MINUTES:           Wednesday 29th January 2014 – 7.30pm

Present:               Tom Thomas (TT),  Jenny MacLennan (JM), Jamie Dunsmore (JD)

                                Cllr Paterson and Cllr MacKenzie

Public                   Angus Christie (AC), Gail Barnett, Morris Colven

Apologies:          Eilidh Green, Andrew Matheson, Cllr MacKinnon


Jenny welcomed everyone to the meeting and especially Morris Colven on his first attendance at a CC meeting in the village.

Morris has been asked to become a co-opted member of Maryburgh CC and has accepted.  Cllr Paterson to speak to Di Agnew re co-option.


Angus Christie would like the last paragraph of item 2, on minutes, amended to read that RCHS as well as the other user groups in the portacabin could possibly use the old school buildings in the event of portacabin lease running out.

Amendment was agreed and the minutes of 27th November were proposed by TT and seconded by JM.

1. Matters arising:

·         War Memorial Refurbishment

Eilidh has been in touch with Di Agnew so the funding for refurbishment is being progressed.  TT suggested a Thank You to ? for the upkeep of war memorial would be appropriate.  This was agreed and Eilidh to write letter.

·         ABO Windfarm

5 turbines are to be erected at Woodlands farm.  This is not in Maryburgh ward, planning is live until 7th February.  If anyone is interested in this application all details can be found on HC website.

·         Dates and times of meetings

The next meeting will be held on Wednesday 26/2/14 at 7.30pm.  JM is to contact members for feedback as to which evening, time etc is preferred for scheduling meetings, to see if this will make a difference to poor attendance.

·         Potential Amalgamation of CC’s

This has been suggested before but because of administration hiccup amalgamation did not come to fruition.  AC suggested that there are many common interests between the 2 communities and so to move forward amalgamation makes sense.  JM feels that there is enough looking after the needs of Maryburgh at the moment but could see the reasoning behind amalgamation.  To move this forward Eilidh would need to make an informal approach to Conon CC to find out the interest there.  All CC members from both communities must agree that amalgamation is what is required.  JD suggested communicating information around the rest of the Maryburgh CC members in a Round Robin email for suggestions and opinions instead of another meeting.  JM to email all members.

·         MFG/Old School Building

No budget at moment to lease buildings.  Question was asked if there is a potential use for OSB at the moment?  Cllr MacKenzie is to find out if there have been any discussions about the interim use of the building.

·         Ben Wyvis School

Cllr MacKenzie informed CC that all snagging has been carried out.  The final cost of the school has to be examined, it was a lot more than first stated.  Cllr MacKinnon is to report back to CC .  There have been some retentions in money until HC are satisfied with building.

·         Correspondence

Letter received from Mhairi MacKenzie with reference to removal of bin at Maryburgh shop and asking for it to be replaced.  Cllr Paterson is to look into this matter.

Knockfarrell PO

Information about permanent branch closure of Knockfarrell PO.  No business has been carried out there over a significant amount of time.  An end of an era.

·         Finance

Current years grant of £1200 is due and will give approx. £1500 of a balance with another grant of £1200 due quite soon.   The current years grant can be used for work Sandy is doing so there will not be a huge amount of cash available.  There are no outstanding bills and Maryburgh in Bloom will cost approx. £300 throughout the year.

·         AOCB

There are flooding issues at Ussie Burn.  Brian Prasher was looking into this but there has been no update or information on situation, JM asked Cllr’s if they could look into gaining some information for residents.  JM stated Lochussie islands are flooded so there will be a large amount of water being let down in Spring.  JM also asked if anything has been done to improve the flow of the burn and thought that Scottish Water were responsible for the levels.

Meeting closed at 8.40pm