Present: Jenny Maclennan Eilidh Green Tom Thomas, Traci Payne, Jamie Dunsmore, Liz Sinclair, Cllr M. Paterson Morris Colven

Apologies: Andrew Matheson, Cllr Mackenzie and Cllr Mackinnon.


1. Matters arising:
· Formal co-option of Morris to the MCC. JM proposed JD seconded. JM welcomed Morris and thanked him for his willingness to devote his time to MCC. Invitation to be extended to Gail Barnett as a co-opted member.
· War memorial update. HC have set money aside for communities. EG to obtain 3 quotes for floodlighting work and repair some of the railings. The monument requires a superficial clean up. Thank you card sent to Mrs Meinertz.
· ABO windfarm. Dingwall CC email requesting views from surrounding CC’s by the 10th March. The group have not received any comment from the community and the group had not formed an opinion on the matter. MCC will email DCC with same.
· Potential amalgamation of MCC and Conon Bridge CC. Members were not in agreement that there is a case for amalgamation. JM suggested that we should have better communication with them and suggested that we attended their meetings and vice a versa. Members agreed. Cllr Paterson suggestion a joint meeting of the CC’s every 6 months. Action was proposed by JM and seconded by TT.
· Cllr Paterson asked the group to approve the minutes from previous minutes where the group had not been in quorum. Oct’13 –Jan ’14 minutes approved. Proposed by TT and seconded by JM.

2. Finance
Item brought forward as JD had to leave the meeting early.
Balance remains the same as the previous month £1,500.
TT said that he would bring on the summer bedding from seed in order to save money. The group thanked TT for his efforts.

3. Dates and times of meetings
After brief discussion the meetings will remain the last Wednesday of the month at 7.30pm. There will be a summer break in June, July and December. Di Agnew and councillors to be emailed with list of dates.

JD left the meeting at this point.

4. Councillors update.

· Cllr Paterson reported that the bin had been removed from in front of the shop as fly tipping had occurred. A member of the public has been keeping the area tidy but it was agreed that a bin should be reinstated. MCC will contact Catriona Taylor.

· No further communication has been received from Brian Prasher re Ussie Burn. JM reported that the levels were very high and Cllr Paterson agreed as she had visited the area very recently. Cllr Paterson will pursue this matter. MCC will also contact the Flood Team.
· Cllr Paterson was disappointed to report that today the motion to close/reduce Service Points across the Highlands had been carried. The nearest service point affected by closure is Muir of Ord. The matter is to be brought to the next full Highland Council meeting.
· JM asked about the final cost of Ben Wyvis Primary which she believes should be in the public domain. Cllr Paterson was not able to update the group however she would speak to Cllrs Mackinnon and Mackenzie and get back to the group.

5. Community Policing Update.
PC E. Mackenzie was unable to attend and will send a report. This will be circulated to members as soon as it is received. There are no major issues to report from the community.

6. Correspondence.
Notification from the Local Government Boundary Commission for Scotland. It commences its 5th review of electoral arrangements. Public consultation begins in May 2014.There is a proposal to reduce Councillors numbers from 80 to 72 in the Highland region.

A number of energy saving schemes and energy saving information has been received and passed on to the MAC Ltd.

EG informed the group that the new Maryburgh website will be ready to launch in early March. Graeme Mackay had kindly given his time to set this up. Initial outlay costs will hopefully be offset by sponsorship. MC suggested the Police might be a source of funding for this project.

TT wanted to praise the Highland Council for clearing and tidying the area/pathway opposite the hall and felt the new village warden has made a noticeable difference to the upkeep of the village.

Meeting concluded at 8.40pm.

Next meeting 26th March 7.30pm.