MINUTES 29th May 2013 Meeting delayed till 8.15pm due to AGM being held later than anticipated.
Present: Tom Thomas (TT) Eilidh Green (EG), Jenny Maclennan (JM) Traci Payne (TP)
Apologies: Roddy Boyd, Jamie Dunsmore Andrew Matheson
Tom Thomas chaired the meeting.
1. Matters arising:
Flooding at Albert Place/Ussie burn. No feedback as yet.
Previous minutes adopted
Proposed JM Second TP
2. Old school building and grounds future use.
Questionnaires have been collected and are being collated by MFG.
3. Fairburn windfarm extension
Letter received re SSE. New community liaison officer Marianne Townsley. SSE has offered to meet with MCC. Invitation to be extended for next month’s meeting.
4. Finance
No treasurer report
Balance £1,401.46
New signatories agreed are Eilidh Green and Tom Thomas.
Proposed by JM and seconded TP.
5. Correspondence
· SSE Beauly-Mossford Site compound to be in Maryburgh. MCC will contact for further details.
· Scotrail Community Foundation. MCC to pass on information to the Youth Club.
· Inner Moray Firth Local Development Plan. Further consultation on sites that they received comments on. Consultation will last from 16th May 2013 to 30th 2013 June Comments are to be made online at www.highland.gov.uk/imfldp.
· Information received from tellmescotland.gov.uk . Scotland’s online portal for Public Information Notices. MCC to register with the website.
Concerns were raised by JM re the SRTS as a sign on the Wrightfield chicane had been knocked down for the 3rd time. HC to be contacted.
Meeting concluded at 8.45pm
Date of next meeting 26th June 2013