Present: Roddy Boyd (RB), Tom Thomas (TT), Liz Sinclair (LS), Eilidh Green (EG), Jenny Maclennan (JM), Traci Payne (TP), Angus Christie (AC), Cllr Mackenzie, Cllr Mackinnon, Cllr Paterson
Apologies: Jamie Dunsmore and Andrew Matheson
1. Matters arising:
Flooding at Albert Place/Ussie burn. No further feedback re this matter. Cllr Mackenzie will speak to Brian Stout
Wind turbine application 11 Lochussie Bad na Cloich REF 12/04420/FUL has been withdrawn, letter received from Planning.
War memorial fund- Scottish Government is still to decide how to administrate this fund and will contact the MCC when a decision has been reached.
Previous minutes adopted
Proposed JM Second RB
2. Old school building and grounds future use.
Meeting held at 6.30pm with Cllrs Mackenzie, Mackinnon and Paterson, members of the future use of school site steering group and MCC prior to Community Council meeting. Minutes attached see below.
Minutes 27th February 2013 6.30pm
Future use of school site
Present: Cllr Mackenzie, Cllr Mackinnon, Cllr Paterson Roddy Boyd, Eilidh Green, Alistair Macnab, David Robertson, Traci Payne , Tom Thomas, Angus Christie, Debbie Boyd, Jenny Maclennan, Liz Sinclair, Nick Thornton.
Cllr Mackenzie outlined the purpose of this meeting – to meet with MCC and the future school site steering group together.
The ECS (Education, Cultural and Sport) did not have an interest in the site therefore offered to other services.
The desktop study by Highland Council’s housing department has been completed. Map provided – showing the proposal to build housing on the school site including the playing field (not the pitch). Old school building could be converted into 2 houses.
There would be a community benefit of £1,500 per roof-approximately £50,000 one of payment to the community.
Cllrs informed the group that there is £3million available to housing for “shovel ready projects” which would look to be completed by summer 2013-spring 2014.
Cllrs stated that this was one option and not a firm proposal.
Cllrs made clear their intention to support the community’s decision.
Questions from the group followed.
Where there other options?
Only option on the table at present. Though phases within this option could be explored.
What is the burden of the site should the community take it over?
Cllrs unable to give details but advised that officials from Housing could meet with the group with that information. Nick commented that this has been asked for by the community sometime ago but no information was ever given.
Nick commented that it was a clear indication that in the event of the community taking over the site that housing would be acceptable on the site.
Jenny commented re the letter of intent the community had sent making it clear our intention to maintain our green space in the village.
Electronic copies of the maps to be obtained and circulated. Officials from Housing to be invited along –Graham Bull (Head of property) and John MacHardy (Housing manager) to the steering group meeting tomorrow 28th February Cottage Bar 8pm.
3. Finance
Balance remains the same as the previous month.
4. Correspondence
Letter received and acknowledged from Mr and Mrs Brown re state of the road between 14 and 16 Lochussie Road.
Damage caused by HGV’s and inadequate repairs. Cllr Paterson aware of the issue and has been in contact with Mr and Mrs Brown and gave assurances that work will be carried out to repair the road properly.
Comment made by RB and JM that the timber lorries should be using an alternative designated route, however there has been a delay in upgrading this road.
Invitation to Scottish Renewable Energy Conference in April
Justice reform consultation – seeking community views.
AGM. Date to be confirmed. It will precede the normal CC meeting.
Nick Thornton gave an update of the MAA becoming a Public Limited Company
· OSCR have given approval of the Memorandum of Articles and Association
· MAA assets to be transferred to new company then wind down the existing MAA.
Email circulated to the group from Hugh Logan to Cllrs, that despite calming measures, traffic speeds were still high coming into Maryburgh. MCC are awaiting response from Neil Gilles.
Meeting concluded at 8.15pm
Date of next meeting 27th March 2013