Maryburgh Community Council is in discussion with Highland Council at the moment to take over the community land and Maryburgh School site for community use. Highland Council has requested that a Business Plan be drawn up with financially viable options for the site. It has been suggested that some of the land could be used for low cost or sheltered housing in order to raise funds to develop either the old school, or the existing Amenities Centre or both buildings to provide better facilities for residents of the village.
Highland Council has offered an option to develop all the open space except the football pitch and this option has been reproduced and can be viewed by clicking on the Highland Council Option link below. Since many people in the village considered this amount of development of the site to be excessive and wished to maintain some open space for the village five alternative options have been produced by the community. These options can be accessed by clicking on the links below.
To provide a complete picture for anyone interested to consider, the first link below shows the existing site as it is today. In each plan the proposed residential developments are shown in yellow and the proposed community buildings are shown in blue. At this time the favoured options appear to be option 2, 3 and 5.
If you would like to comment on any of the options presented please use the comment box below, contact MCC or the Maryburgh Future Group with your preferences or email