27 March 2013
Present: Tom Thomas (TT), Eilidh Green (EG), Jenny Maclennan (JM) Traci Payne (TP) Angus Christie (AC), Cllr Mackenzie, Cllr Mackinnon, Jamie Dunsmore (JD) David Shearer
Apologies: Roddy Boyd, Liz Sinclair, Cllr MacLean
1. Matters arising:
Flooding at Albert Place/Ussie burn. No further feedback re this matter. Cllr Mackenzie will raise the issue again.
War memorial fund- Scottish Government is still to decide how to administrate this fund and will contact the MCC when a decision has been reached. No contact as yet.
No response from Neil Gilles re SRTS. Cllr MacKinnon to pursue this matter.
Previous minutes adopted. Proposed TP Second TT
2. Old school building and grounds future use.
Meeting will follow the CC meeting.
Brief update from JM.
19/03/13 Representatives of the Maryburgh Future Group (MFG) and Sandy Anderson met with Steve Barron, Cllr Mackenzie and Di Agnew prior to the Asset management board meeting.
Grant of £1,500 has been granted to MCC from the ward discretionary fund for the scoping phase including the update of the Community Facilities Needs Analysis. Sandy Anderson has been retained by the MCC to carry out this work He will be the point of contact between the community and the Highland Council.
Questionnaires have been delivered this week seeking the community views.
3. Finance
Balance is approx £1,800
Proposed budget spend
Maryburgh in Bloom £400
It was agreed money should be set aside to support further costs of the old school site project.
Roddy Boyd and Eilidh Green will become signatories for the account.
4. Correspondence
NHS briefing notes- next East Ross District meeting 14th June.
Newsletter from MSP Dave Thompson. MCC has now signed up to the electronic version.
A member of the community voiced his concern about the parking opposite the junction coming into Wrightfield which forces heavier larger vehicles to cut the corners causing damage to the grass. He noted that there had been resurfacing of the road and the No Parking markings had not been redone. Cllr MacKinnon to pursue this matter and report it to TECS services.
Representation made from Kinnon Clark for a donation towards his music tuition fees. He successfully auditioned for the Scottish Youth Theatre School. Members agreed to grant £50.
Meeting concluded at 7.50pm
Date of next meeting 24th April 2013